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Declutter Life Hacks

By now, a lot of the holiday decorations have been put away, which may have initiated a deep cleaning in your home. Many take this opportunity to start decluttering...getting rid of items you haven't used or needed in a while.

Sometimes, it can be overwhelming when you begin this process. Where do you even start? Especially when you have kids...they tend to accumulate quite a bit quite fast.

According to there are 7 steps to making this ordeal simple.

First off, use a "maybe box." This makes it easier to part with something that, maybe, you've been holding onto but not quite sure why.

Use a timer. This will assure you you're not going to be doing this all day, and it also makes you set a goal for how much you want to get done in a certain amount of time.

Be sure to have a donation box. You know the items that are still usable will go to someone who could use them, which will make you feel better about parting with it.

Start with the obvious. Go to your closet and pull out the clothes you haven't worn in a couple years...or the clothes that "Someday I Will Fit Back Into."

Use a "Put Away Box." I usually use my stairs to the bedrooms. I have a little tote for each kid, one for myself, and one for my husband.

Put on your favorite playlist or tv show. If you have something on in the background you love, it will make decluttering a little less painful.

Finally, be intentional about what you bring into the house. After all this work, it's important to not backslide. This will, also, help your pocketbook! Don't buy non essentials and the clutter will stay away!

Happy Cleaning!



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